Prisha Production stands as a premier partner for video content creators and production houses globally, offering top-notch services in video editing and post-production outsourcing.

What are video editing services?

Video editing services involve the professional manipulation and arrangement of video footage to create a coherent and visually appealing final product. These services encompass a range of tasks, including

Cutting and trimming: Removing unwanted or unnecessary segments from the raw footage to improve the flow and pacing of the video.

Adding smooth transitions between video clips and incorporating visual effects, such as text overlays, graphics, and filters, to enhance the overall visual appeal.

Adjusting the color and tone of the video to achieve a consistent and pleasing aesthetic throughout. This process helps to enhance the overall mood and style of the video.

Optimizing the audio quality, removing background noise, adjusting volume levels, and synchronizing sound effects, music, and dialogue with the visuals.

Incorporating text, titles, logos, and other graphical elements to provide context, branding, and visual interest.

Adding computer-generated imagery (CGI), visual effects, and animations to create captivating and engaging visuals.

Arranging the video clips in a logical and compelling sequence to tell a coherent and engaging story or convey a specific message.

Converting the final edited video into various formats suitable for different platforms and devices, ensuring optimal playback quality and compatibility.

Previous Projects

Our Case Studies


Edited videos


Successful Clients


Years of experience


Team Of Editors

For Video Editing & Process

Software & Tools We Use Everyday

Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Canva Designing Tool
Project Management Tool
Video Review Platform
Licensed music
Google Drive
We Transfer
Cloud Server
Work process

This is How We Streamline
Our Workflow

1. Receiving the footages and assets

Client can send footage to us via google drive, dropbox etc.

2. Video Editing

We start video editing on it by cutting footages, adding music, text, graphics etc.

3 Sending For Review

We send the first draft to the client for review, if they want changes, we do so and send them the updated video.

4 Approved Project

We ensure that the client receives the final product as per his/her vision, once he/she agrees then we count as an approved project.

How to Hire Video Editor?

Hiring a skilled video editor can significantly enhance the quality and impact of your video content. Here are a few key points to consider when seeking to hire a video editor:

Look for a video editor who possesses a strong portfolio and relevant experience in the type of content you produce. A skilled editor will have a keen eye for detail, a solid understanding of storytelling techniques, and the ability to bring your vision to life.

Ensure that the video editor is proficient in using industry-standard editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve. Familiarity with these tools allows for efficient editing workflows and the utilization of advanced features and effects.

Clearly communicate your objectives and vision to the video editor. A good editor will listen attentively, ask relevant questions, and offer suggestions to enhance your video project. Their understanding of your goals will guide their editing decisions and ensure the final product aligns with your expectations.

Video editing requires meticulous attention to detail. A skilled editor will pay close attention to aspects such as timing, transitions, audio synchronization, color grading, and overall visual consistency. This attention to detail ensures a polished and professional end result.

Effective communication and collaboration are crucial when working with a video editor. They should be able to understand your feedback and make necessary adjustments accordingly. A collaborative relationship will help you achieve the desired outcome while maintaining a smooth workflow.

Discuss project timelines and deadlines with the video editor to ensure they can meet your expectations. A reliable editor will have excellent time management skills and be able to deliver the edited content within the agreed-upon timeframe.

Accordion Content

Remember, hiring a video editor is an investment in the quality of your content. By selecting a talented and experienced professional, you can elevate your videos, engage your audience, and achieve your desired objectives.

When do I have to hire a video editor? Is it worth?

Deciding when to hire a video editor and determining whether it's worth it depends on several factors. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

1. Time constraints:
If you find yourself lacking the time and resources to edit videos on your own, hiring a video editor can be a valuable solution. Outsourcing the editing process allows you to focus on other important aspects of your work or business while ensuring that your videos receive professional attention.
2. Quality expectations:
If you desire high-quality videos that stand out and leave a lasting impression, hiring a skilled video editor is often worth it. They possess the expertise, experience, and technical know-how to transform raw footage into a polished and visually captivating final product. Their ability to enhance storytelling, utilize advanced editing techniques, and create a cohesive visual experience can elevate your videos to a professional level.
3. Complex projects:
If you're working on a project with intricate editing requirements, such as a feature film, a documentary, or a multi-camera production, hiring a video editor with specialized skills and experience in those areas is highly recommended. They will have the expertise to handle the complexities involved and ensure a seamless and professional result.
4. Professionalism and expertise:
Video editors bring a level of professionalism and expertise that can significantly enhance the quality of your videos. They are well-versed in industry standards, editing techniques, and the latest trends, enabling them to craft videos that engage and resonate with your target audience. Their technical knowledge and artistic sensibility can bring your creative vision to life.
5. Efficiency and productivity:
Video editors bring a level of professionalism and expertise that can significantly enhance the quality of your videos. They are well-versed in industry standards, editing techniques, and the latest trends, enabling them to craft videos that engage and resonate with your target audience. Their technical knowledge and artistic sensibility can bring your creative vision to life.
6. Cost and budget:
While hiring a video editor does come with a cost, it's important to weigh it against the value and benefits they bring to your project. Consider your budget, the complexity of the editing required, and the potential return on investment. If high-quality videos contribute to your success, it may be worth allocating resources towards hiring a professional editor.
Ultimately, the decision to hire a video editor depends on your specific needs, goals, and resources. Assess your available time, skills, and the level of quality you wish to achieve. If you seek professional, polished videos that engage your audience and align with your vision, investing in a skilled video editor can be a worthwhile choice.

What is the average cost of video editing?

The average cost of video editing can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the project, the length of the footage, the level of expertise required, and the specific requirements of the client.
Here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of the average video editing costs:

Many video editors charge an hourly rate for their services. The rates can range from $25 to $150 or more per hour, depending on the editor’s experience, skill level, and geographic location. Higher rates are often associated with editors who have a proven track record, specialized expertise, or work on more complex projects.

Some video editors offer project-based pricing, where they provide a quote based on the specific requirements of the project. This pricing model is often preferred for larger or more complex projects that require a significant amount of editing time. Project-based pricing can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the scope of work.

Additional services such as color grading, motion graphics, special effects, sound design, and audio mixing may incur additional costs. These services can enhance the visual appeal and overall production value of your videos but may contribute to the overall cost.

If you require expedited turnaround times or multiple revisions, expect to pay a higher rate or incur additional charges. Rush jobs and revisions can impact the editor’s workload and may require them to prioritize your project over others.

Longer videos or projects with extensive footage may require more time and effort to edit, resulting in higher costs. Editing a short promotional video will generally be more affordable compared to editing a feature-length film or a multi-episode series.

Highly experienced and specialized video editors typically command higher rates due to their expertise and the value they bring to the table. Their track record, skill set, and ability to deliver professional results may justify the higher costs.

Remember, while cost is a significant factor, it's equally essential to consider the quality, professionalism, and expertise of the video editor. Investing in a skilled professional can lead to a final product that exceeds your expectations and effectively engages your audience

In-house video editor VS Remote video editor

Advantages of In-House

Having an in-house video editor allows for close and immediate collaboration. They are physically present within your organization, making it easier to communicate, provide feedback, and make real-time adjustments to the editing process.

An in-house video editor becomes familiar with your company’s values, brand guidelines, and overall culture. This can result in better alignment of the editing style with your brand identity and a deeper understanding of your specific requirements.

With an in-house editor, there is potentially faster turnaround time for urgent projects. Being physically present, they can quickly access the necessary resources, make on-the-spot revisions, and deliver the final edited videos promptly.

An in-house video editor is dedicated to your organization, ensuring their availability for regular editing needs, immediate revisions, or last-minute changes. This can provide a sense of reliability and convenience.

Disadvantages of In-House

In-house video editors may have expertise in certain editing styles or software but might lack versatility in handling a wide range of projects or specialized editing requirements. This can limit the creative possibilities and may require additional training or hiring of additional personnel for specific needs.

Maintaining an in-house video editor as a full-time employee can be costly. Apart from salary and benefits, there are additional expenses such as equipment, software licenses, office space, and ongoing training. These costs can add up, particularly for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.

An in-house video editor is limited to the resources and capabilities within your organization. If there is a sudden surge in editing needs or a need for specialized skills, it may be challenging to accommodate these demands without additional resources or hiring.

During periods when there are fewer editing projects, an in-house video editor may experience downtime. This can result in idle time and reduced productivity, leading to underutilization of resources.

Advantages of Remote

Hiring a remote video editor can often be more cost-effective compared to maintaining an in-house employee. Remote editors typically work on a freelance or contract basis, allowing you to save on overhead costs associated with full-time employees.

By working with a remote video editor, you have a broader pool of talent to choose from. You can collaborate with professionals from different locations, backgrounds, and skill sets, finding someone who perfectly matches your project requirements.

Remote editors offer greater flexibility in terms of project scalability. You can hire them on a project-by-project basis, expanding or reducing the editing capacity as needed. This allows you to adapt to fluctuating workloads and budget constraints.

Remote video editors bring fresh perspectives and diverse creative approaches to your projects. Their varied experiences and exposure to different industries and styles can inject new ideas and innovative techniques into your videos.

Disadvantages of Remote

Working with a remote video editor can present communication challenges, especially when there are time zone differences or language barriers. Misunderstandings or delays in communication can impact project timelines and quality.

Remote video editors may have multiple clients and projects simultaneously. This can potentially affect their availability, making it challenging to accommodate last-minute changes or urgent editing needs.

With a remote video editor, you have limited direct oversight compared to an in-house editor. This can create a level of uncertainty about the progress and quality of the editing work, particularly if there is a lack of regular updates or feedback.

Working remotely relies heavily on technology and internet connectivity. Technical issues, such as internet outages or software compatibility problems, can disrupt the editing process and lead to delays.

Ultimately, the choice between an in-house video editor and a remote video editor depends on your specific needs, resources, and preferences. Consider factors such as the frequency and volume of video editing projects, the need for direct collaboration, the availability of talent, and the cost implications. Assessing these factors will help you determine the best approach to meet your video editing requirements efficiently and effectively.

How to Hire a Youtube video editor?

A YouTube video editor is a professional or enthusiast who specializes in editing videos specifically for the YouTube platform. They possess the skills and expertise to enhance the visual appeal, storytelling, and overall production quality of YouTube videos. Here are some key aspects to consider regarding YouTube video editors:
1. YouTube platform knowledge:
A YouTube video editor is well-versed in the intricacies of the YouTube platform. They understand the technical requirements, such as video formats, resolutions, and recommended settings for optimal playback and audience engagement on YouTube.
2. Familiarity with YouTube content types:
YouTube hosts a wide variety of content, including vlogs, tutorials, gaming videos, music videos, and more. A YouTube video editor understands the specific editing styles, pacing, and visual techniques that work best for different content genres on the platform.
3. Audience engagement expertise:
YouTube is driven by audience engagement, and a skilled video editor knows how to captivate viewers' attention. They can create visually appealing intros, optimize video lengths, use compelling thumbnails, and incorporate engaging elements such as text overlays, graphics, and call-to-actions to keep viewers hooked.
4. Knowledge of YouTube algorithms:
YouTube's algorithm plays a significant role in determining video visibility and success. A YouTube video editor understands the algorithm's principles and can optimize videos by implementing relevant keywords, using effective tags, and structuring content to increase the likelihood of discovery and recommended placements.
5. Branding and consistency:
A YouTube video editor helps maintain brand consistency across a creator's channel. They work closely with content creators to understand their brand identity and incorporate consistent visual elements, such as intros, outros, and graphics, that align with the creator's style and enhance their brand recognition.
6. Collaboration and communication:
Effective communication and collaboration between the video editor and the content creator are essential. The YouTube video editor listens to the creator's vision, provides creative suggestions, and ensures that the final edited videos align with the creator's goals and objectives.
7. Optimization for mobile and multiple devices:
YouTube content is consumed across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. A YouTube video editor optimizes videos to ensure they are visually appealing and properly formatted for different screen sizes and resolutions, enhancing the viewing experience across multiple devices.
8. Stay updated with trends:
The YouTube landscape is constantly evolving, with new editing trends, visual effects, and audience preferences emerging. A YouTube video editor stays up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and editing tools to keep the content fresh, engaging, and in line with current viewer expectations.

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